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The Fitzsimmons School on the corner of Maple Avenue and Cedar Street opened in 1799 and was the first school in Southport. In 1806, a second school was built on Pennsylvania Avenue near Bulkhead. By 1865, the town had 14 school districts and 16 schoolhouses. Most of the schoolhouses were single rooms where one teacher taught grades one through eight. In 1957, the Southport districts consolidated with the Elmira City School District. The smaller, rural schools closed and students transferred to larger schools such as Hendy Avenue School, the new Broadway Elementary School, and Southside High School.

Southport District #4, c.1880s

Southport District #4, c.1880s

There were two schools in District No. 4. Pennsylvania Avenue School was built in the 1830s. A brick building replaced the original school in the 1890s. It was torn down in 1961 when Broadway School was constructed. Hopkins Street School opened in 1927 and was used until 1982.

Desk from one-room schoolhouse

Desk from one-room schoolhouse

courtesy of the Southport Historical Society

Southport District #14, 1923

Southport District #14, 1923

The Upper Hendy Hollow School was located near the Chemung/Steuben County line. The one-room schoolhouse had shared wooden desks for the students and was heated by a woodstove.

Dry Run School by Talitha Botsford

Dry Run School by Talitha Botsford

The land for Dry Run School, Southport District No. 2, was acquired for $1 in 1845. When the schools consolidated in 1957, there were 24 students at the school in grades one through eight.

School slate

School slate

courtesy of the Southport Historical Society

Southside High School Yearbook, 1929

Southside High School Yearbook, 1929

courtesy of the Southport Historical Society

Last Southside High yearbook, 2014

Last Southside High yearbook, 2014

courtesy of the Southport Historical Society

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