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Southport Town Parks


Chapel Park

83 Personius Road, Pine City


The park plays host to many community events

throughout the year. It has community garden

space, baseball and softball fields, tennis courts,

a basketball court, a playground, picnic pavilions,

and grills.


Draxler Park

Dry Run Road, Pine City


The park include a playground, two pavilions, a

baseball field, a fishing pond, and a hill used

for sledding in the winter.


Elmer Goodwin Park

Robert Street, Elmira


The park has lacrosse fields, a soccer field, a

basketball court, a splash pad, and a half-mile

paved recreation trail.


Roger Sterling Park

Bird Creek Road, Pine City


Formerly known as Bird Creek Park, here visitors can find a playground, a baseball field, and a picnic pavilion.


Chapel Park

Chapel Park

Draxler Park

Draxler Park

Elmer J. Goodwin Park

Elmer J. Goodwin Park

Roger G. Sterling Park

Roger G. Sterling Park

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